Digital SAT Mock Test Series - Set 2.

Digital SAT Mock Test Series - Set 2.

Product information

Number of chapters
2 Chapters
Number of contents
6 Contents
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Full Package details:

ReWiser's tests are meticulously designed to aid SAT preparation, ensuring students receive comprehensive assistance for their exam readiness. What sets our tests apart is that every single question is accompanied by a comprehensive answer explanation and an answer explanation video, expertly recorded by our experienced faculty, making the Full Package an invaluable resource for students on their SAT journey.

Every test is meticulously crafted to provide students with an authentic experience that replicates the look and feel of the official exams. This attention to detail ensures that students are thoroughly prepared and familiar with the SAT exam environment, enabling them to approach the actual test with confidence.

Distinctive Benefits:

Detailed answer videos from ReWiser’s highly qualified faculties are a valuable feature that provides comprehensive explanations for each question. Here are some key points to highlight:

  • Comprehensive and Expert Guidance: ReWiser's answer explanation videos are not your run-of-the-mill solutions. They are crafted by our highly skilled faculty members who are well-versed in the SAT exam. These educators bring their expertise to every video, ensuring that students receive guidance from professionals who understand the intricacies of the test.
  • In-Depth Explanations: The detailed answer videos go beyond just providing correct answers. They offer in-depth explanations that help learners understand the underlying concepts and reasoning behind the solutions. This can greatly enhance their understanding and retention of the material.
  • Visual and Audio Learning: Answer videos utilize multimedia elements which cater to different learning styles. Visual learners can benefit from seeing visual representations, while auditory learners can benefit from listening to explanations. This multi-modal approach can make the learning experience more engaging and effective.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Detailed answer videos provide step-by-step guidance on how to approach a question and arrive at the correct answer. This is particularly helpful for complex problems or questions with multiple steps, as learners can follow along and learn the problem-solving process.
  • Clarification of Common Mistakes: Answer videos often highlight common mistakes that learners may make and provide clarification on why those mistakes are incorrect. This can help learners identify and correct their misconceptions, reinforcing their understanding of the correct concepts and approaches.
  • Accessibility: Detailed answer videos are easily accessible and can be replayed multiple times, allowing learners to review the material at their own pace and convenience. Learners can revisit the videos whenever they need additional support or clarification, making them a valuable resource for self-paced learning.

In essence, these answer explanation videos are a powerful educational tool that goes hand-in-hand with ReWiser's meticulously crafted tests. They don't just provide correct answers; they empower students with the knowledge and strategies needed to excel in the SAT exam.

Exam Format:

  1. Reading + Writing : Module 1 (27 questions) – 32 minutes
  2. Reading + Writing : Module 2 (27 questions) – 32 minutes
  3. Break – 10 minutes
  4. Maths : Module 1 (22 questions) – 35 minutes
  5. Maths : Module 2 (22 questions) – 35 minutes

This self-paced course contains 5 Full Length Tests (in addition to the 5 Tests from Set -1) that have been specifically designed to empower students in their preparation for the SAT exam. By offering a series of tests, it enables students to enhance their readiness and confidence.

Maximizing Your Learning: Effective Strategies for Optimal Utilization of ReWiser’s Program:

  • Please read the instructions carefully before starting the exam. 
  • Please ensure you write a detailed step-wise working for each question.
  • This will be helpful when you self-check and review the answers from the ReWiser portal. You will be able to identify exactly where you've made an error.
  • After you submitted the exam, go to   Review Results   where you'll find the answer explanations and videos (in the 'Answers' tab) for each question to self-assess.

Course Curriculum