SAT Digital - Self Paced Course

SAT Digital - Self Paced Course

Product information

Number of chapters
90 Chapters
Number of contents
188 Contents
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Full Package details:

ReWiser's self-paced digital SAT course is designed to facilitate focused practice on specific topics and sections, ensuring students are fully prepared for the full tests.

The course is divided into 2 Phases:

Phase 1 covers individual topics in Reading, Writing, and Maths. Each of these topics are accompanied by their quizzes to help students assess their performance and identify areas for improvement.

In Phase 1, the Reading and Writing sections selected quizzes are accompanied with answer video explanations from ReWiser’s highly qualified faculties. These videos provide a comprehensive breakdown of the correct answers, allowing students to understand the reasoning and concepts behind each solution.

When students encounter questions they have difficulty with, the videos provide an opportunity to delve into the specific challenges and misconceptions they may have faced. By highlighting common mistakes and providing guidance on how to overcome them, these videos help students rectify their errors and improve their overall performance.

Phase 2 comprises 12 sectional tests (5+2 - R+W and 7 - Math), providing comprehensive practice for each section after completing Phase 1. All quizzes are followed by detailed answer explanations, enabling students to review mistakes and enhance SAT exam preparation.

In summary, the course guides students through smaller portions of the SAT, providing topic-specific practice and assessments. The inclusion of answer explanation videos in Phase 1 (Reading and Writing) aids comprehension and identifies weak areas. By progressing to full sectional tests in Phase 2, students receive comprehensive practice, solidifying their preparation for the SAT exam.

Maximizing Your Learning: Effective Strategies for Optimal Utilization of ReWiser’s Program:

  • Please read the instructions carefully before starting the exam. 
  • Please ensure you write a detailed step-wise working for each question.
  • This will be helpful when you self-check and review the answers from the ReWiser portal. You will be able to identify exactly where you've made an error.
  • After you submitted the exam, go to   Review Results   where you'll find the answer explanations and videos (in the 'Answers' tab) for each question to self-assess.



Course Curriculum